The Fertile Mindset Podcast is here to support and inspire you to create a meaningful and happy life with the 3 core values of Clarity, Purpose and Joy. Hosted by Sarah Holland, the Fertile Mindset Coach who uses EFT Tapping to calm the mind and unlock potential, she is joined by fascinating guests sharing their inspiring stories and words of support. Sarah has a special interest in fertility support, and the first 80 episodes of the podcast are fertility focused - if that’s what you’re looking for. Wherever you are on your path through life, you are welcome to join us for episodes 81 onwards! If the podcast sparks something within you and you want to live your life with clarity, purpose and joy, sign up for my Daily Seeds emails for daily messages of support and inspiration, along with welcome gifts including an EFT tuition video and tapping exercises.
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
EP 025: Thinking of Yourself as a “Fertility Patient”
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
Thursday Jun 03, 2021
When we first start trying for our baby, our focus is on exactly that - the baby and becoming a parent. However, when you find yourself in a long and complicated fertility journey, you may start to see yourself only as a fertility patient. If you relate to this, you’re not alone and this episode will help you reconnect with your dream of motherhood.
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- Why we take on the identity of a person with infertility or a fertility patient.
- How this leads to the dream of having a baby feeling distant and elusive.
- The surprising way I kept my connection to my baby alive during my own long fertility journey.
- How using EFT can bring clarity to your mind and thoughts, and help you restore the connection to yourself and your dream.
Next steps:
Thursday May 27, 2021
EP 024: A Story of IVF, Vulnerability & Resilience with Hannah Vaughan Jones
Thursday May 27, 2021
Thursday May 27, 2021
I’m pleased to be sharing this chat with Hannah Vaughan Jones, a journalist and news anchor for CNN, who talks about her experience of a fertility journey that included 15 rounds of treatment, a decision to go public with their fertility story, her own personal approach of managing this challenging time in her life, and the birth of her baby boy Sonny. I loved speaking with Hannah, and I hope you enjoy listening to our chat.
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- The journey from telling no one about their fertility treatment to sharing their story publicly and video blogging “Our IVF Diary” on YouTube.
- How keeping busy with work was Hannah’s lifeline while TTC and going through multiple treatment cycles.
- Her personal approach to using complementary therapies alongside fertility treatment.
- What Hannah has noticed about herself and how she has changed since going through infertility.
Guest Links:
Next Steps:
Thursday May 20, 2021
EP 023: When friendships are changed by fertility
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
There are many aspects of our lives that change when we’re on a fertility journey, but the changes in our friendships can be some of those most difficult to face. How can we ensure we have good, supportive friends at this most vulnerable time in our life?
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- The ways friendships can change when you have fertility issues.
- My three tips for coping with changing or lost friendships.
- Discovering your unexpected good friends on your fertility journey.
- Where to look for your new best fertility friends.
Next Steps:
Thursday May 13, 2021
EP 022: Am I failing at fertility?
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
Is this a question you ask yourself? If so, you’re not alone. Feeling like a failure on your fertility journey can lead to overwhelm and hopelessness. In this episode we’ll work together to turn a feeling of failing into something much more supportive and true!
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- How feeling like a failure can show up on your fertility journey.
- Where this connection to failing first began and how it reinforced itself into many aspects of your life.
- The possibility and power of letting go of the concept of failing.
- How you can use EFT to tap into and release any beliefs around failure, and discover a mindset to support you and your fertility.
Next steps:
Thursday May 06, 2021
EP 021: An Empowered Approach to Fertility Charting with Kate Davies
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
Charting your cycles can shine a light on your fertility health and identify any problems. But it can also feel complicated and overwhelming. In this episode, I speak to Kate Davies from Your Fertility Journey about how to make fertility charting easy, effective and empowering.
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- The three fertility indicators when charting and what they can tell you.
- How to approach charting to stop it being stressful and be more empowering.
- How charting can impact on men too, and add pressure to your relationship.
- Tips, apps and femtech to make charting easier and more effective.
Guest Links:
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
EP 020: Mindset Work for Fertility #3: How
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
This is the final episode in a series on the “Why, What and How” of Mindset Work for Fertility, and includes a practical EFT tapping session. If after you’ve listened to the episode all the way through, you wish to repeat the tapping exercise, you can find this at 17:33 within the episode.
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- What EFT is and how it works to bring balance to your emotions and mind.
- Full tuition on how to use EFT including my tips to make sure it’s effective in releasing stress and bringing calm to your fertility journey.
- An interactive round of EFT tapping, that you can use for any emotional issue and return to time and time again.
- How EFT can enhance other mind-body approaches you are using to support you and your fertility.
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
EP 019: Mindset Work for Fertility #2: What
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
In this second in a series of 3 looking at the “Why, What and How” of mindset work for fertility, I’m exploring what approach we can take to bring about positive change to our thoughts, emotions and beliefs on a fertility journey.
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- How to figure out what issues to work on when you feel overwhelmed by your fertility.
- What else outside of your fertility is also important to address for emotional wellbeing, for you and your fertility.
- What approach to take when looking at your past fertility story and thoughts about the future to become more present and reduce stress.
- An invitation to join the Fertile Mindset Sanctuary BLOSSOM membership, before we close the doors to new members on Thursday 29th April.
Next steps:
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
EP 018: Mindset Work for Fertility #1: Why
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
Thursday Apr 15, 2021
In this first in a series of 3 episodes, I’m looking at the reasons WHY we may focus on and seek out support with the mindset side of fertility.
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- The two main reasons why people reach out for mindset and emotional support on their fertility journey.
- What we are looking to achieve through mindset work, and why there is no “right way” to begin.
- Where mindset work can take you to as you explore its relation to your fertility.
- My big “why” for doing this work and supporting the fertility community, and an invitation to my free challenge 5 Days to Fertility Calm.
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
EP 017: What is a Fertile Mindset and Why is it Important?
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
As this podcast, my business and everywhere you find me online is under the name “Fertile Mindset” I thought it’s high time I explained what I mean by a Fertile Mindset, how we can create one, and how it can support your fertility.
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- Why our emotional wellbeing is more important than ever, and how a Fertile Mindset can support this.
- An easy way to visualise your mind and the actions you can take to create a Fertile Mindset.
- The problems that can arise with fertility affirmations and how our mindset can help them “stick” and support our fertility.
- Your invitation to join my free challenge 5 Days to Fertility Calm
Next steps:
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
EP 016: Your Story and Its Impact on Your Fertility
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Is there a story - or several stories - that you are telling yourself about your fertility, being pregnant or motherhood? This story may have arisen from your own experiences, or those of others, and could be impacting on your fertility journey.
Here’s what is included in this episode:
- What I mean by “Your Story”, where it could have originated from, and why it may not be relevant to you and your fertility journey.
- My own story that had a huge impact on how I viewed myself in relation to pregnancy and birth, and the big shift that came about when I acknowledged and healed it.
- What to do when you recognise your story and want to move through and beyond it.
- How EFT can make healing and releasing our stories easy, and help us connect to our fertility and path to parenthood more fully than ever before.
Next steps: